Results for 'William Burton Thompson'

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  1.  97
    Walter E. Broman, Timothy C. Lord, Roy W. Perrett, Colin Dickson, Jill P. Baumgaertner, Eva L. Corredor, William E. Cain, Ronald Bogue, Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn, Jay S. Andrews, David M. Thompson, David Carey, David Parker, David Novitz, Norman Simms, David Herman, Paul Taylor, Jeff Mason, Robert D. Cottrell, David Gorman, Mark Stein, Constance S. Spreen, Will Morrisey, Jan Pilditch, Herman Rapaport, Mark Johnson, Michael McClintick, John D. Cox, Arthur Kirsch, Burton Watson, Michael Platt, Gary M. Ciuba, Karsten Harries, Mary Anne O'Neil. [REVIEW]Wendell V. Harris - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (2):373.
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  2. Cross-cultural similarities and differences.William Forde Thompson & Balkwill & Laura-Lee - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda (eds.), Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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    William Thompson Appeal (1825).William Thompson - 1997
    Originally titled Appeal of One Half of the Human Race, Women, Against the Pretensions of the Other Half, Men, to Retain in Political and Thence in Civil and Dometic Slavery. this edition of Appeal (1825) is the first edited text which provides explanatory notes, supplies biograpies and chronologies and gives primary and secondary sources on the lives, ideas and historical context of William Thompson and Anna Doyle Wheeler.
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    Intonation processing deficits among Mandarin Chinese speakers with congenital amusia: An ERP study.Lu Xuejing, Wu Daxing, Liu Fang & Thompson William Forde - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  5.  67
    Habituation: A model phenomenon for the study of neuronal substrates of behavior.Richard F. Thompson & William A. Spencer - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (1):16-43.
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    Decoding speech prosody in five languages.William Forde Thompson & L.-L. Balkwill - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (158):407-424.
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    Coming into being: artifacts and texts in the evolution of consciousness.William Irwin Thompson - 1996 - New York: St. Martin's Griffin.
    In his best-selling The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light , William Irwin Thompson intrigued readers with his thoughts on mythology and sexuality. In his newest book, Coming Into Being: Artifacts and Texts in the Evolution of Consciousness , he takes the reader on a journey through the evolution of consciousness from the preverbal communications of early stone carvings, to the writings of Marcel Proust, around the monumental wrappings of Christo and up to the rebirth of interest in (...)
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  8. Seeing music performance: Visual influences on perception and experience.William Forde Thompson, Phil Graham & Frank A. Russo - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (156):203-227.
    Drawing from ethnographic, empirical, and historical / cultural perspectives, we examine the extent to which visual aspects of music contribute to the communication that takes place between performers and their listeners. First, we introduce a framework for understanding how media and genres shape aural and visual experiences of music. Second, we present case studies of two performances, and describe the relation between visual and aural aspects of performance. Third, we report empirical evidence that visual aspects of performance reliably influence perceptions (...)
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  9.  61
    Audio-visual integration of emotional cues in song.William Forde Thompson, Frank A. Russo & Lena Quinto - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (8):1457-1470.
    We examined whether facial expressions of performers influence the emotional connotations of sung materials, and whether attention is implicated in audio-visual integration of affective cues. In Experiment 1, participants judged the emotional valence of audio-visual presentations of sung intervals. Performances were edited such that auditory and visual information conveyed congruent or incongruent affective connotations. In the single-task condition, participants judged the emotional connotation of sung intervals. In the dual-task condition, participants judged the emotional connotation of intervals while performing a secondary (...)
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  10.  25
    The mean–variance relationship reveals two possible strategies for dynamic brain connectivity analysis in fMRI.William H. Thompson & Peter Fransson - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  11. Action synchronization with biological motion.William F. Thompson, John Sutton & Lincoln Colling - unknown
    The ability to predict the actions of other agents is vital for joint action tasks. Recent theory suggests that action prediction relies on an emulator system that permits observers to use information about their own motor dynamics to predict the actions of other agents. If this is the case, then predictions for self-generated actions should be more accurate than predictions for other-generated actions. We tested this hypothesis by employing a self/other synchronization paradigm where prediction accuracy for recording of self-generated movements (...)
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  12.  54
    The Borg or Borges?William I. Thompson - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies (4-5):187-192.
    It is a paradox of the work of Artificial Intelligence that in order to grant consciousness to machines, the engineers first labour to subtract it from humans, as they work to foist upon philosophers a caricature of consciousness in the digital switches of weights and gates in neural nets. As the caricature goes into public circulation with the help of the media, it becomes an acceptable counterfeit currency, and the humanistic philosopher of mind soon finds himself replaced by the robotics (...)
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    The identification of 100 ecological questions of high policy relevance in the UK.William J. Sutherland, Susan Armstrong-Brown, Paul R. Armsworth, Brereton Tom, Jonathan Brickland, Colin D. Campbell, Daniel E. Chamberlain, Andrew I. Cooke, Nicholas K. Dulvy, Nicholas R. Dusic, Martin Fitton, Robert P. Freckleton, H. Charles J. Godfray, Nick Grout, H. John Harvey, Colin Hedley, John J. Hopkins, Neil B. Kift, Jeff Kirby, William E. Kunin, David W. Macdonald, Brian Marker, Marc Naura, Andrew R. Neale, Tom Oliver, Dan Osborn, Andrew S. Pullin, Matthew E. A. Shardlow, David A. Showler, Paul L. Smith, Richard J. Smithers, Jean-Luc Solandt, Jonathan Spencer, Chris J. Spray, Chris D. Thomas, Jim Thompson, Sarah E. Webb, Derek W. Yalden & Andrew R. Watkinson - 2006 - Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (4):617-627.
    1 Evidence-based policy requires researchers to provide the answers to ecological questions that are of interest to policy makers. To find out what those questions are in the UK, representatives from 28 organizations involved in policy, together with scientists from 10 academic institutions, were asked to generate a list of questions from their organizations. 2 During a 2-day workshop the initial list of 1003 questions generated from consulting at least 654 policy makers and academics was used as a basis for (...)
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    Decoding speech prosody in five languages.William Forde Thompson & Laura-Lee Balkwill - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (158):407-424.
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  15.  59
    Response shaping at long interstimulus intervals in classical eyelid conditioning.William F. Prokasy, Harvey C. Ebel & Donald D. Thompson - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (2):138.
  16.  26
    Speculations on the City and the Evolution of Consciousness.William Irwin Thompson - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (7):35-42.
    [opening paragraph]: The city is not simply a location in space, but also a vehicle in time that can itself accelerate the evolution of consciousness. Like molecules packed into the membrane of a cell, the minds that are packed into a city take on a new life that is energized by the city's intensification of space and time. The first cities of ancient Sumer were ceremonial centres organized around the sacred precinct of the temple. Sumerian mythology stated that these cities (...)
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  17.  34
    The psychological basis of music appreciation: Structure, self, source.William Forde Thompson, Nicolas J. Bullot & Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (1):260-284.
  18.  44
    Bridging two worlds that care about art: Psychological and historical approaches to art appreciation.William Forde Thompson & Mark Antliff - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):159-160.
    Art appreciation often involves contemplation beyond immediate perceptual experience. However, there are challenges to incorporating such processes into a comprehensive theory of art appreciation. Can appreciation be captured in the responses to individual artworks? Can all forms of contemplation be defined? What properties of artworks trigger contemplation? We argue that such questions are fundamental to a psycho-historical framework for the science of art appreciation, and we suggest research that may assist in refining this framework.
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  19.  22
    Induction of plant gene expression by light.William F. Thompson, L. S. Kaufman & J. C. Watson - 1985 - Bioessays 3 (4):153-159.
    Light effects on the activity of several genes have recently been exploited in studies of plant gene expression. We discuss here some examples involving nuclear genes of higher plants, with emphasis on responses mediated by the phytochrome system. Recent work has revealed considerable diversity in the responses of different genes, indicating that several different regulatory programs are probably involved. A start has been made in studies of nuclear events associated with the changes in expression. Transcriptional regulation almost certainly occurs, although (...)
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  20. Matthew's Advice to a Divided Community: Mt. 17, 22–18, 35.William G. Thompson - 1970
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    Natural drift and the evolution of culture.William I. Thompson - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (11):96-116.
  22.  3
    Robert Owen and His Legacy.N. Thompson & C. Williams (eds.) - 2011 - University of Wales Press.
    J. F. C. Harrison has written that ‘for each age there is a new view of Mr Owen’, which is proof of the fertility and continuing relevance of his ideas. Not just in Britain and America but today around the world anti-poverty campaigners, birth-controllers, collectivists, communitarians, co-operators, ecologists, educationalists, environmentalists, feminists, humanitarians, internationalists, paternalistic capitalists, secularists, campaigners for social justice, trade unionists, urban planners, utopians, welfare reformers can all find something to admire and inspire in the treasure trove that is (...)
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    (1 other version)Science and common sense.William Robin Thompson - 1965 - Albany,: Magi Books.
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    Self and Society: Studies in the Evolution of Culture.William Irwin Thompson - 2009 - Imprint Academic.
    A series of essays on the evolution of culture, dealing with topics including the city and consciousness, evolution of the afterlife, literary and mathematical archetypes, machine consciousness and the implications of 9/11, and the invasion of Iraq. The enlarged new edition contains extra essays and brings the author's comments on current affairs up to date with coverage of the election of Barak Obama as US President.
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    Schoenberg's Error.William Thompson - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (3):274-275.
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  26.  31
    Should We Be Worried about “Christological Tribalism”?William Thompson-Uberuaga - 2003 - Philosophy and Theology 15 (1):93-118.
    Tribalism transforms otherwise benefi cent forms of particularity—blood, soil, language, shared memories, cultural specificities, etc.—into forces for destruction, by endowing them with an inappropriate transcendental signifi cance. Ultimately this impedes rather than fosters intercultural likemindedness and communication. This essay explores how some forms of multiculturalism-friendly Christological thought seem to either end up in, or lead to, the very tribalism they likely are seeking to avoid. This kind of multiculturalism is more of a disguised form of monoculturalism. The essay ends with (...)
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    Text and Sermon: A Homiletician's Viewpoint.William D. Thompson - 1981 - Interpretation 35 (1):32-45.
    The normative relationship between text and sermon is one of mutuality in which the preacher creates an interplay between the agenda of the text and the agenda of the congregation.
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    The case for teaching geometry before algebra.William I. Thompson - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (3):81-82.
    Support from Peter J. Snow's 'Charting the Domains of Human Thought'.
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    The Doctrine of Free Choice in Saint Bonaventure.William G. Thompson - 1958 - Franciscan Studies 18 (1):1-8.
  30. Theology's Method and Linguistic Analysis in the Thought of Langdon Gilkey.William Thompson - 1972 - The Thomist 36 (3):363.
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  31.  70
    The role of signal detection and amplification in the induction of emotion by music.William Forde Thompson & Max Coltheart - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):597-598.
    We propose that the six mechanisms identified by Juslin & Vll (J&V) fall into two categories: signal detection and amplification. Signal detection mechanisms are unmediated and induce emotion by directly detecting emotive signals in music. Amplifiers act in conjunction with signal detection mechanisms. We also draw attention to theoretical and empirical challenges associated with the proposed mechanisms.
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  32.  8
    Voegelin's Israel and Revelation: An Interdisciplinary Debate and Anthology.William Thompson-Uberuaga, David Lee Morse & Eric Voegelin - 2000
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    Word & Spirit, Hermeneutics & Transcendental Method.William M. Thompson - 1992 - Philosophy and Theology 7 (2):185-212.
    The viabiliry of Rahner’s “transcendental method” in the light of challenges posed by contemporary hermeneutics is explored through an analysis of what Rahner relatively early called “transcendental hermeneutics.” In tum, this is shown to be based upon Rahner’s understanding of how the trinitarian Word and Spirit interrelate.
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    The shared and unique genetic relationship between mental well-being, depression and anxiety symptoms and cognitive function in healthy twins.Kylie M. Routledge, Karen L. O. Burton, Leanne M. Williams, Anthony Harris, Peter R. Schofield, C. Richard Clark & Justine M. Gatt - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (7):1465-1479.
    Alterations to cognitive function are often reported with depression and anxiety symptoms, yet few studies have examined the same associations with mental well-being. This study examined the association between mental well-being, depression and anxiety symptoms and cognitive function in 1502 healthy adult monozygotic and dizygotic twins, and the shared/unique contribution of genetic and environmental variance. Using linear mixed models, mental well-being was positively associated with sustained attention, inhibition, cognitive flexibility, motor coordination and working memory, whereas depression and anxiety symptoms were (...)
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    Security of infantile attachment as assessed in the “strange situation”: Its study and biological interpretation.Michael E. Lamb, Ross A. Thompson, William P. Gardner, Eric L. Charnov & David Estes - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):127-147.
    The Strange Situation procedure was developed by Ainsworth two decades agoas a means of assessing the security of infant-parent attachment. Users of the procedureclaim that it provides a way of determining whether the infant has developed species-appropriate adaptive behavior as a result of rearing in an evolutionary appropriate context, characterized by a sensitively responsive parent. Only when the parent behaves in the sensitive, species-appropriate fashion is the baby said to behave in the adaptive or secure fashion. Furthermore, when infants are (...)
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  36. Affect-biased attention as emotion regulation.Rebecca M. Todd, William A. Cunningham, Adam K. Anderson & Evan Thompson - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (7):365-372.
  37.  39
    Spontaneous emergence of language-like and music-like vocalizations from an artificial protolanguage.Weiyi Ma, Anna Fiveash & William Forde Thompson - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (229):1-23.
    How did human vocalizations come to acquire meaning in the evolution of our species? Charles Darwin proposed that language and music originated from a common emotional signal system based on the imitation and modification of sounds in nature. This protolanguage is thought to have diverged into two separate systems, with speech prioritizing referential functionality and music prioritizing emotional functionality. However, there has never been an attempt to empirically evaluate the hypothesis that a single communication system can split into two functionally (...)
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  38.  21
    Genetic Prospects: Essays on Biotechnology, Ethics, and Public Policy.Harold W. Baillie, William A. Galston, Sara Goering, Deborah Hellman, Mark Sagoff, Paul B. Thompson, Robert Wachbroit, David T. Wasserman & Richard M. Zaner (eds.) - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The essays in this volume apply philosophical analysis to address three kinds of questions: What are the implications of genetic science for our understanding of nature? What might it influence in our conception of human nature? What challenges does genetic science pose for specific issues of private conduct or public policy?
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    Timing skills and expertise: discrete and continuous timed movements among musicians and athletes.Thenille Braun Janzen, William Forde Thompson, Paolo Ammirante & Ronald Ranvaud - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    A neurocomputational approach to abduction.Robert G. Burton - 1999 - Minds and Machines 9 (2):257-265.
    Recent developments in the cognitive sciences and artificial intelligence suggest ways of answering the most serious challenge to Peirce's notion of abduction. Either there is no such logical process as abduction or, if abduction is a form of inference, it is essentially unconscious and therefore beyond rational control so that it lacks any normative significance. Peirce himself anticipates and attempts to answer this challenge. Peirce argues that abduction is both a source of creative insight and a form of logical inference (...)
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    Mesmerism and the American Cure of Souls. [REVIEW]William B. Thompson - 1985 - Idealistic Studies 15 (1):74-75.
    This book does not contain philosophical arguments, but is rich in material for philosophical reflection. In this small volume Professor Fuller traces the evolution of an idea deriving from the Viennese physician, Franz Anton Mesmer, through nineteenth-century American popular culture. What began with Mesmer as a thoroughly materialistic and antitheological theory of medical healing ended the century in America as a dualistic theory with the New Thought movement emphasizing the spiritual powers of the mind to control matter. How this came (...)
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    Reconstructive expert system explanation.Michael R. Wick & William B. Thompson - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 54 (1-2):33-70.
  43.  37
    Singing emotionally: a study of pre-production, production, and post-production facial expressions.Lena R. Quinto, William F. Thompson, Christian Kroos & Caroline Palmer - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  44.  59
    Mental imagery doesn't work like that.Stephen M. Kosslyn, William L. Thompson & Giorgio Ganis - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):198-200.
    This commentary focuses on four major points: (1) “Tacit knowledge” is not a complete explanation for imagery phenomena, if it is an explanation at all. (2) Similarities and dissimilarities between imagery and perception are entirely consistent with the depictive view. (3) Knowledge about the brain is crucial for settling the debate. (4) It is not clear what sort of theory Pylyshyn advocates.
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  45.  27
    Visual search for schematic emotional faces risks perceptual confound.Kathleen M. Mak-Fan, William F. Thompson & Robin Ea Green - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (4):573-584.
  46. Motor experience interacts with effector information during action prediction.Lincoln Colling, William Thompson & John Sutton - 2013 - Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society:2082-2087.
    Recent theory suggests that action prediction relies of a motor emulation mechanism that works by mapping observed actions onto the observer action system so that predictions can be generated using that same predictive mechanisms that underlie action control. This suggests that action prediction may be more accurate when there is a more direct mapping between the stimulus and the observer. We tested this hypothesis by comparing prediction accuracy for two stimulus types. A mannequin stimulus which contained information about the effectors (...)
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  47.  24
    A ‘Music, Mind and Movement’ Program for People With Dementia: Initial Evidence of Improved Cognition.Olivia Brancatisano, Amee Baird & William Forde Thompson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Music, action, and affect.Lincoln John Colling & William Forde Thompson - 2013 - In Tom Cochrane, Bernardino Fantini & Klaus R. Scherer (eds.), The Emotional Power of Music: Multidisciplinary perspectives on musical arousal, expression, and social control. Oxford University Press.
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    Convergent approaches to understanding strange situation behavior.Michael E. Lamb, Ross A. Thompson, William P. Gardner & Eric L. Charnov - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):559-561.
  50.  38
    Studying the security of infant-adult attachment: A reprise.Michael E. Lamb, William P. Gardner, Eric L. Charnov, Ross A. Thompson & David Estes - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):163-171.
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